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Publications Andreas P.M. Weber

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ORCID-ID: 0000-0003-0970-4672








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Before 2002

Book Chapters

  • 18. Facchinelli F, Weber APM (2014) Insertion of Metabolite Transporters into the Endosymbiont Membrane(s) as a Prerequisite for Primary Endosymbiosis. In: Endosymbiosis (W. Löffelhardt, Ed.). Springer Verlag, Wien; pp 53-79.
  • 17. Linka M, Weber APM (2012) Evolutionary Integration of Chloroplast Metabolism with the Metabolic Networks of the Cells. In: Functional Genomics and Evolution of Photosynthetic Systems (R. Burlap and W. Vermaas, Eds.), Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, Vol. 33. Springer, Dordrecht, NL; pp. 199-224.
  • 16. Bräutigam A, Weber APM (2011) Transport processes - connecting the reactions of C4 photosynthesis. In: C4 Photosynthesis and Related CO2 Concentrating Mechanisms (A.S. Raghavendra and R.F. Sage, Eds.). Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, Vol. 32. Springer; pp. 199-219.
  • 15. Wegener-Feldbrügge S, Simon R, Weber APM (2010) iGRAD-Plant - An International Graduate Program for Science "The Dynamic Response of Plants to a Changing Environment". In: Neues aus Wissenschaft und Lehre. Jahrbuch der Heinrich-Heine-Universität 2010 (HM Piper, Ed.) Düsseldorf University Press; pp. 679-685.
  • 14. Dumpitak C, Weber APM, Marian C (2010) Shaping the Future of Doctoral Training: iGRAD - Interdisciplinary Graduate and Research Academy Düsseldorf. In: Neues aus Wissenschaft und Lehre. Jahrbuch der Heinrich-Heine-Universität 2010 (HM Piper, Ed.) Düsseldorf University Press; pp. 671-678.
  • 13. Weber A.P.M., Fischer K. (2009) The Role of Metabolite Transporters in Integrating Chloroplasts with the Metabolic Network of Plant Cells. In: The Chloroplast (A.S. Sandelius and H. Aronsson, Eds.), pp. 159-180. Plant Cell Monographs, Vol. 13. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • 12. Weber A.P.M. (2009) Definition of Plant Metabolic Networks. In: Plant Metabolic Networks (J. Schwender, Ed.), pp. 9-38. Springer Dordrecht. (DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-78745-9_2)
  • 11. Oesterhelt, C. & Weber, A.P.M. (2007) Galdieria sulphuraria - A model for metabolic versatility at pH 2. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Plant Lipids (C. Benning and J.B. Ohlrogge, Eds.), in press.
  • 10. Weber A.P.M., Barbier G.G., Shrestha R.P., Horst R.J., Minoda A. & Oesterhelt C. (2007) A Genomics Approach to Understanding the Biology of Thermo-Acidophilic Red Algae. In: Algae in Extreme Environments (J. Seckbach, Ed.), Vol. 11, part 5, pp. 503-518. Springer Berlin.
  • 9.Tegeder, M. & Weber, A.P.M. (2006). Metabolite transporters in the control of plant primary metabolism. In: Control of Primary Metabolism in Plants (W.C. Plaxton and M.T. McManus, Eds.), pp. 85-120. Blackwell Scientific Publishing, Sheffield, UK.
  • 8.Weber, A.P.M. (2006). Synthesis, Export and Partitioning of the End Products of Photosynthesis. In: The Structure and Function of Plastids (R.R. Wise and J.K. Hoober, Eds.), pp. 273-292. Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
  • 7.Barbier, G. G., Zimmermann, M. & Weber, A.P.M. (2005). Genomics of the thermo-acidophilic red alga Galdieria sulphuraria, p. 67-78. In R. B. Hoover, G. V. Levin, A. Y. Rozanov, and G. R. Gladstone (ed.), Astrobiology and Planetary Missions, 1 ed, vol. 5906. SPIE, San Diego, CA, USA.
  • 6. Weber, A.P.M. & Kaiser, W.M. (2005). Rapid modulation of nitrate reduction in leaves by redox coupling of plastidic and cytosolic metabolism. In: Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives (A. van der Est and D. Bruce, Eds.), ACG Publishing, Lawrence, KS.
  • 5. Flügge, U.-I., Weber, A., Fischer, K., Häusler, R. & Kammerer, B. (1996). Molecular characterization of plastid transporters. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Life sciences 319, 849-852
  • 4.Flügge, U.I., Weber, A. & Fischer, K. (1995). Carbon transport across the chloroplast envelope. In: Carbon Partitioning and Source-Sink Interactions in Plants (M. Madore and W.J. Lucas, Eds.), An American Society of Plant Physiologists Series, Vol. 13, S. 23-34.
  • 3. Flügge, U.I., Weber, A. & Fischer, K. (1995). Transport processes in plant cells. In: Research in Photosynthesis (P. Mathis, ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
  • 2.Flügge, U.I., Weber, A., Fischer, K., Loddenkötter, B. & Wallmeier, H. (1992). Structure and function of the chloroplast triose phosphate/phosphate translocator. In: Research in Photosynthesis (N. Murata, ed.), Vol. III, pp. 667-674, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
  • 1.Wallmeier, H., Weber, A., Gross, A., & Flügge, U.I. (1992). Insights into the Structure of the Chloroplast Phosphate Translocator Protein. In D.T. Clarkson & D.T. Cooke (Eds.), Transport and Receptor Proteins of Plant Membranes, pp. 77-89, New York, Plenum Publishing Corp.


  • 1.Flügge, U.I., Servaites, J., Fischer, K., Weber, A. (1998). DNA-Sequence, Coding for a Glucose-Translocator, Plasmids, Bacteria, Yeasts and Plants Containing this Transporter (198 53 778.6-41).
  • 2.    Flügge, U.I., Dressen, U., Westhoff, P., Weber, A. (1998). DNA-Sequence, Coding for a Glutamate/Malate-Translocator, Plasmids, Bacteria, Yeasts and Plants Containing this Transporter (198 53 778.6-41).
  • 3.    Flügge, U.I., Weber, A., Fischer, K., Kammerer, B. (1997). DNA-Sequence, Coding for a Glucose 6-phosphat-Phosphat-Translocator, Plasmids, Bacteria, Yeasts and Plants Containing this Transporter (197 32 926.8-41).
  • 4.    Flügge, U.I., Fischer, K., Weber, A. (1996). DNA-Sequence, Coding for a Phosphoenolpyruvate-Phosphat Translocator, Plasmids, Bacteria, Yeasts and Plants Containing this Transporter (196 00 357.1-41); International Patent O.Z. 0050/47608 (1997)
  • 5.    Flügge, U.I., Fischer, K., Weber, A. (1994). DNA-Sequence, Coding for a 2-Oxoglutarate/Malate-Translocator, Plasmids, Bacteria, Yeasts and Plants Containing this Transporter (P44 20 782.4); International Patent PCT/EP95/02319 (1995).