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- Eisenhut M, Bräutigam A, Timm S, Florian A, Tohge T, Fernie A, Bauwe H, Weber APM (2016) Photorespiration is crucial to the dynamic response of photosynthetic metabolism and stomatal movement to altered CO2 availability. Mol Plant 10(1):47-61.
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- vom Dorp K, Hölzl G, Plohmann C, Eisenhut M, Abraham M, Weber APM, Hanson AD, Dörmann P (2015) Remobilization of Phytol from Chlorophyll Degradation is Essential for Tocopherol Synthesis and Growth of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 27(10):2846-2859.
- Weber APM (2015) Discovering new biology through RNA-Seq. Plant Physiol 169(3):1524-1531.
- Ort DR, Merchant SS, Alric J, Barkan A, Blankenship RE, Bock R, Croce R, Hanson MR, Hibberd JM, Long SP, Moore TA, Moroney J, Niyogi KK, Parry MAJ, Peralta-Yahya PP, Prince R, Redding KE, Spalding MH, van Wijk KJ, Vermaas WFJ, von Caemmerer S, Weber APM, Yeates TO, Yuan JS, Zhu XG (2015) Redesigning photosynthesis to sustainably meet global food and bioenergy demand. Proc Natl Acd Sci U S A 112(28):8529-8536.
- Karkar S, Facchinelli F, Price D, Weber APM, Bhattacharya D (2015) Metabolic connectivity as a driver of host and endosymbiont integration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112(33):10208-10215.
- Eisenhut M, Hocken N, Weber APM (2014) Plastidial metabolite transporters integrate photorespiration with carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur metabolism. Cell Calcium 58: 98-104.
- Pade N, Linka N, Wolfgang R, Weber APM, Hagemann M (2015) Floridoside and isofloridoside are synthesized by trehalose 6-phosphate synthase like enzymes in the red alga Galdieria sulphuraria. New Phytol 205(3):1227-1238.
- Facchinelli F, Weber APM (2015) Analysis of Cyanophora paradoxa tells important lessons on plastid evolution. Perspectives in Phycology 2 (1), 3-10.
- Jain K, Krause K, Grewe F, Nelson GF, Weber APM, Christensen ACC, Mower JP (2015) Extreme features of the Galdieria sulphuraria organellar genomes: a consequence of polyextremophily? Genome Biol Evol 7(1):367-80.
- van den Bergh E, Külahoglu C, Bräutigam A, Hibberd JM, Weber APM, Zhu XG, Schranz ME (2014) Gene and genome duplications and the origin of C4 photosynthesis: Birth of a trait in the Cleomaceae. Curr Plant Biol, in press.
- Pick TR, Weber APM (2014) Unknown components of the plastidial permeome. Front Plant Sci 5: 410.
- Külahoglu C, Denton AK, Sommer M, Maß J, Schliesky S, Wrobel TJ, Berckmans B, Gongora-Castillo E, Buell CR, Simon R, De Veylder L, Bräutigam A, Weber APM (2014) Comparative transcriptome atlases reveal altered gene expression modules between two Cleomaceae C3 and C4 plant species. Plant Cell 26(8):3243-3260.
- Mallmann J, Heckmann D, Bräutigam A, Lercher MJ, Weber APM, Westhoff P, Gowik U (2014) The role of photorespiration during the evolution of C4 photosynthesis in the genus Flaveria. eLife, 3. doi: 10.7554/eLife.02478.
- Pelletreau KN, Weber APM, Weber KL, Rumpho ME (2014) Lipid accumulation during the establishment of kleptoplasty in Elysia chlorotica. PLoS One 14(9): e97477.
- Nomura Y, Izumi A, Fukunaga Y, Kusumi K, Iba K, Watanabe S, Nakahira Y, Weber APM, Nozawa A, Tozawa Y (2014) Diversity in ppGpp Sensitivity Among Guanylate Kinases of Bacteria and Plants. J Biol Chem 289(22): 15631-15641.
- Staehr P, Löttgert T, Christmann A, Krueger S, Rosar C, Rolcik J, Novak O, Strnad M, Bell K, Weber APM, Flügge UI, Häusler RE (2014) Reticulate leaves and stunted roots are independent phenotypes pointing at opposite roles of the phosphoenolpyruvate/phosphate translocator defective in cue1 in the plastids of both organs. Frontiers Plant Sci 5: 126.
- Bhide A, Schliesky S, Reich M, Weber APM, Becker A (2014) Analysis of the floral transcriptome of Tarenaya hassleriana (Cleomaceae), a member of the sister group to the Brassicaceae: towards understanding the base of morphological diversity in Brassicales. BMC Plant Biol 15(1): 140.
- Bräutigam A, Schliesky S, Külahoglu C, Osborne C, Weber APM (2014) Towards an integrative model of C4 photosynthetic subtypes – insights from comparative transcriptome analysis of NAD-ME, NADP-ME, and PEP-CK C4 species. J Exp Bot 65(13):3579-3593.
- Wang Y, Bräutigam A, Weber APM, Zhu XG (2014) Three distinct biochemical subtypes of C4 photosynthesis? A modeling analysis. J Exp Bot 65(13):3567-3578.
- Brouwer P, Bräutigam A, Külahoglu C, Tazelaar A, Kurz S, Nierop K, van der Werf A, Weber APM, Schluepmann H (2014) Azolla domestication towards a biobased economy? Transcriptome database and methods for dissemination, cross fertilization, and storage of Azolla fllliculoides. New Phytol 202(3): 1069-1082.
- Schönknecht G, Weber APM, Lercher MJ (2014) Horizontal Gene Acquisitions by Eukaryotes as Drivers of Adaptive Evolution. BioEssays 36(1): 9-20.
- Lundquist PK, Rosar C, Bräutigam A, Weber APM (2014) Plastid Signals and the Bundle Sheath: Mesophyll Development in Reticulate Mutants. Mol Plant 7(1):14-29.
- Lintala M, Schuck N, Thormalen I, Jungfer A, Weber KL, Weber APM, Geigenberger P, Soll J, Bolter B, Mulo P (2014) Arabidopsis tic62 trol mutant lacking thylakoid bound ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase shows distinct metabolic phenotype. Mol Plant 7(1):45-57.
- Facchinelli F, Colleoni C, Ball SG, Weber APM (2013) Chlamydia, cyanobiont, or host: who was on top in the ménage à trois? Trends Plant Sci 18: 673-679.
- Qui H, Price DC, Weber APM, Facchinelli F, Yoon HS, Bhattacharya D (2013) Assessing the bacterial contribution to the plastid proteome. Trends Plants Sci 18: 680-687.
- Qui H, Price DC, Weber APM, Reeb V, Yang EC, Kim SY, Lee JM, Yoon HS, Bhattacharya D (2013) Adaptation through horizontal gene transfer in the cryptoendolithic red alga Galdieria phlegrea. Curr Biol 23(19):R865-R866.
- Cheng S, van den Bergh E, Zeng P, Zhong X, Xu J, Liu X, Hofberger J, de Bruijn S, Bhide AS, Külahoglu C, Bian C, Chen J, Fan G, Kaufmann K, Hall JC, Becker A, Bräutigam A, Weber APM, Shi C, Zheng Z, Li W, Lv M, Wang J, Zou H, Quan Z, Hibberd JM, Zhang G, Zhu XG, Xu X, Schranz E (2013) The genome of Tarenaya hassleriana provides insights into reproductive trait and genome evolution of crucifers. Plant Cell (8):2813-30.
- Schlüter U, Colmsee C, Scholz U, Bräutigam A, Weber APM, Zellerhoff N, Bucher M, Fahnenstich H, Sonnewald U (2013) Adaptation of maize source leaf metabolism to stress related disturbances in carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus balance. BMC Genomics 4: 442.
- Bhattacharya D, Price DC, Chan XC, Qiu H, Rose N, Ball S, Weber APM, Arias MC, Henrissat B, Coutinho PM, Krishnan A, Zäuner S, Morath S, Hilliou F, Egizi A, Perrineau MM, Yoon HS (2013) Genome of the red alga Porphyridium purpureum. Nat Commun 4: 1941.
- Heckmann D, Schulze S, Denton A, Gowik U, Westhoff P, Weber APM, Lercher MJ (2013) Predicting C4 photosynthesis evolution: modular, individually adaptive steps on a Mount Fuji fitness landscape. Cell 153: 1579-1588.
- Mortimer JC, Yu X, Albrecht S, Sicilia F, Huichalaf M, Ampuero D, Michaelson LV, Murphy AM, Matsunga T, Kurz S, Stephens E, Baldwin T, Ishii T, Napier J, Weber APM, Handford MG, Dupree P (2013) Abnormal glycosphingolipid mannosylation triggers salicylic-acid mediated responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25(5): 1881-1894.
- Kuhn A, Engqvist MK, Jansen EE, Weber APM, Jakobs C, Maurino VG (2013) D-2-hydroxyglutarate metabolism is linked to photorespiration in the shm1-1 mutant. Plant Biol 15(4): 776-784.
- Weber APM, Bauwe H (2013) Photorespiration – a driver for evolutionary innovations and key to better crops. Plant Biol 15(4): 621-623.
- Manandhar-Shrestha K, Tamot B, Pratt EPS, Saitie S, Bräutigam A, Weber APM, Hoffmann-Benning S (2013) Comparative proteomics of chloroplast envelopes from bundle sheath and mesophyll chloroplasts reveal novel membrane proteins with a possible role in C4-related metabolite fluxes and development. Frontiers Plant Sci 4: 65.
- Bordych C, Eisenhut M, Pick TR, Kuelahoglu C, Weber APM (2013) Co-expression analysis as a tool for the discovery of transport proteins in photorespiration. Plant Biol 15(4): 686-693.
- Denton AK, Simon R, Weber APM (2013) C4 photosynthesis: from evolutionary analyses to synthetic reconstruction of the trait. Curr Opin Plant Biol 6(3): 315-321.
- Harter K, Weber APM (2013) Arabidopsis 2010 and beyond - big science with a small weed. Frontiers Plant Sci 4: 18.
- Schönknecht G, Chen WH, Ternes CM, Barbier GG, Shrestha RP, Stanke M, Bräutigam A, Baker BJ, Banfield JF, Garavito RM, Carr K, Wilkerson C, Rensing SA, Gagneul D, Dickenson NE, Oesterhelt C, Lercher MJ, Weber APM (2013) Gene transfer from bacteria and archaea facilitated evolution of an extremophilic eukaryote. Science 339(6124):1207-1210.
- Pick TR, Bräutigam A, Schulz M, Obata T, Fernie AR, Weber APM (2013) PLGG1, a plastidic glycolate glycerate transporter, is required for photorespiration and defines a new class of metabolite transporters. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 110(8):3185-90.
- Rudolf M, Machettira AB, Groß LE, Weber KL, Bolte K, Bionda T, Sommer MS, Maier UG, Weber AP, Schleiff E, Tripp J (2013) In Vivo Function of Tic22, a Protein Import Component of the Intermembrane Space of Chloroplasts. Molecular Plant 6(3):817-29.
- Fernie AR, Bauwe H, Eisenhut M, Florian A, Hanson DT, Hagemann M, Keech O, Mielewczik M, Nikoloski Z, Peterhänsel C, Roje S, Sage R, Timm S, von Caemmerer S, Weber APM, Westhoff P (2013) Perspectives on photorespiratory metabolism. Plant Biol 15(4): 748-753.
- Ball SG, Subtil A, Bhattacharya D, Moustafa A, Weber APM, Gehre L, Colleoni C, Arias MC, Cenci U, Dauvillé D (2013) Metabolic effectors secreted by bacterial pathogens: essential facilitators of plastid endosymbiosis? Plant Cell 25(1):7-21.
- Kern R, Eisenhut M, Bauwe H, Weber APM, Hagemann M (2013) Does the Cyanophora paradoxa genome revise our view on the evolution of photorespiratory enzymes? Plant Biol 15(4): 759-768.
- Facchinelli F, Pribil M, Oster U, Ebert NJ, Bhattacharya D, Leister D, Weber APM (2013) Proteomic analysis of the Cyanophora paradoxa muroplast provides clues on early events in plastid endosymbiosis. Planta 237(2):637-651.
- Hagemann M, Fernie AR, Espie GS, Kern R, Eisenhut M, Reumann S, Bauwe H, Weber APM (2013). Evolution of the biochemistry of the photorespiratory C2 cycle. Plant Biol 15(4): 639-647.
- Eisenhut M, Pick TR, Bordych C, Weber APM (2013) Towards closing the remaining gaps in photorespiration - the essential but unexplored role of transport proteins. Plant Biol 15(4): 676-685.
- Weber APM, Bräutigam A (2013) The role of membrane transport in metabolic engineering of plant primary metabolism. Curr Opin Biotechnol 24(2): 256-262.
- Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber APM (2013) Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels. Plant J 73(5):836-849.
- Maurino VG, Weber APM (2013) Engineering photosynthesis in plants and synthetic microorganisms. J Exp Bot 64: 743-751.
- Colmsee C, Mascher M, Czauderna T, Hartmann A, Schlüter U, Zellerhoff N, Schmitz J, Bräutigam A, Pick TR, Alter P, Gahrtz M, Witt S, Fernie AR, Börnke F, Fahnenstich H, Bucher M, Dresselhaus T, Weber APM, Schreiber F, Scholz U, Sonnewald U (2012) OPTIMAS-DW: A Comprehensive Transcriptomics, Metabolomics, Ionomics, Proteomics and Phenomics Data Resource for Maize. BMC Plant Biol 12: 245.
- Schliesky S, Gowik U, Weber APM, Bräutigam A (2012) RNA-seq assembly - Are we there yet? Frontiers Plant Sci 3: 220.
- Schulze WX, Sanggaard KW, Kreuzer I, Knudsen AD, Bemm F, Thorgersen IB, Bräutigam A, Thomsen LR, Schliesky S, Dyrlund DF, Escalante-Perez M, Becker D, Schultz J, Karring H, Weber A, Hojrup P, Hedrich R, Enghild JJ (2012) The protein composition of the digestive fluid from the Venus flytrap sheds light on prey digestion mechanisms. Mol Cell Proteomics 11: 1306-1319.
- Hamisch D, Randewig D, Schliesky S, Bräutigam A, Weber APM, Geffer R, Herschbach C, Rennenberg H, Mendel RR, Hänsch R (2012) Impact of SO2 on Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome in wildtype and sulfite oxidase knock-out plants by RNA deep sequencing. New Phytol 196: 1074-1085.
- Bräutigam A, Facchinelli F, Weber APM (2012) Metabolic integration of the chloroplast during endosymbiosis - molecular characterization of envelope transport proteins. Endocytobiosis Cell Res 23: 96-102.
- Facchinelli F, Bräutigam A, Weber APM (2012) Metabolic integration of the chloroplast during endosymbiosis. Endocytobiosis Cell Res 23: 52-55.
- Hibberd JM, Weber APM (2012) Plant metabolism and physiology. Curr Opin Plant Biol 15: 1-3.
- Göhre V, Jones AME, Sklenar J, Robatzek S, Weber APM (2012) Molecular crosstalk between PAMP-triggered immunity and photosynthesis. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 25: 1083-1092.
- Rosar C, Kanonenberg K, Nanda AM, Mielewczik M, Bräutigam A, Novák O, Strnad M, Walter A, Weber APM (2012) The leaf reticulate mutant dov1 is impaired in the first step of purine metabolism. Mol Plant 5: 1227-1241.
- Bernhardt K, Vigelius SK, Wiese J, Linka N, Weber APM (2012) Agrobacterium-mediated Arabidopsis thaliana transformation: an overview of T-DNA binary vectors, floral dip and screening for homozygous lines. Endocytobiosis Cell Res 22: 19-28.
- Voll LM, Zell, MB, Engelsdorf T, Saur A, Gerrard Wheeler M, Drincovich MF, Weber APM, Maurino VG (2012) Loss of cytosolic NADP-malic enzyme 2 in Arabidopsis is associated with enhanced susceptibility towards Colletotrichum higginsianum. New Phytol 195: 189-202.
- Maier A, Fahnenstich H, von Caemmerer S, Engqvist MKM, Weber APM, Flügge UI, Maurino VG (2012) Glycolate oxidation in A. thaliana chloroplasts improves biomass production. Frontiers Plant Sci 3: 38.
- Gu J, Weber KL, Klemp E, Winters G, Franssen SU, Wienpahl I, Huylmans AK, Zecher K, Reusch TBH, Bornberg-Bauer E, Weber APM (2012) Identifying core features of adaptive metabolic mechanisms for chronic heat stress attenuation as a feature for systems robustness. Integr Biol 4: 480-493.
- Price DC, Chan CX, Yoon HS, Yang EC, Qiu H, Weber APM, Schwacke R, Gross J, Blouin NA, Lane C, Reyes-Prieto A, Durnford DG, Neilson JAD, Lang BF, Burger G, Steiner JM, Löffelhardt W, Meuser JE, Posewitz MC, Ball S, Arias MC, Henrissat B, Coutinho BM, Rensing SA, Symeonidi A, Doddapaneni H, Green BR, Rajah VD, Boore J, Bhattacharya D (2012) Cyanophora paradoxa genome elucidates origin of photosynthesis in algae and plants. Science 335: 843-847.
- Breuers FKH, Braeutigam A, Geimer S, Welzel UY, Stefano G, Renna L, Brandizzi F, Weber APM (2012) Dynamic remodeling of the plastid envelope membranes – a tool for chloroplast envelope in vivo localizations, Frontiers Plant Sci 3: 7.
- Sommer M, Bräutigam A, Weber APM (2012) The dicotyledonous NAD-malic enzyme C4 plant Cleome gynandra displays age-dependent plasticity of C4 decarboxylation biochemistry. Plant Biol 14: 621-629.
- Bernhardt K, Wilkinson S, Weber APM, Linka N (2012) A peroxisomal carrier delivers NAD+ and contributes for optimal fatty acid degradation during storage oil mobilisation. Plant J 68: 1-13.
- Breuers FKH, Bräutigam A, Weber APM (2011) The plastid outer envelope - a highly dynamic interface between plastid and cytoplasm.Front Plant Sci 2: 97
- Pick TR, Bräutigam A, Schlüter U, Denton A, Colmsee C, Scholz U, Fahnenstich H, Pieruschka H, Rascher U, Sonnewald U, Weber APM (2011). Systems analysis of a maize leaf developmental gradient redefines the current C4 model and provides candidates for regulation. Plant Cell 23: 4208-4220.
- Facchinelli F, Weber APM (2011) The metabolite transporters of the plastid envelope: an update. Front Plant Sci 2:50
- Furumoto T, Yamaguchi T, Ohshima-Ichie Y, Nakamura M, Tsuchida-Iwata Y, Shimamura M, Ohnishi J, Hata S, Gowik U, Westhoff P, Bräutigam A, Weber APM, Izui K (2011) A plastidial sodium-dependent pyruvate transporter. Nature 476: 472-475
(Must Read, Faculty of 1000) - Gowik U, Bräutigam A, Weber KL, Weber APM, Westhoff P (2011) Evolution of C4 photosynthesis in the genus Flaveria – how many and which genes does it take to make C4? Plant Cell 23: 2087-2105
- Franssen SU, Shrestha RP, Bräutigam A, Bornberg-Bauer E, Weber APM (2011) Comprehensive transcriptome analysis of the highly complex Pisum sativum genome using next generation sequencing. BMC Genomics 12:227.
- Osteryoung KW, Weber APM (2011) Plastid Biology: Focus on the Defining Organelle of Plants. Plant Physiol 155: 1475-1476.
- Maruyama S, Suzaki T, Weber APM, Archibald JM, Nozaki H (2011) Eukaryote-to-eukaryote gene transfer gives rise to genome mosaicism in euglenids. BMC Evol Biol 11: 105
- Engqvist MKM, Kuhn A, Wienstroer J, Weber KL, Jansen EEW, Jakobs C, Weber APM, Maurino VG (2011) Plant D-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase participates in the catabolism of lysine especially during senescence. J Biol Chem 286(13): 11382-11390
- Weber APM, Linka N (2011) Connecting the plastid - transporters of the plastid envelope and their role in linking plastidial with cytosolic metabolism. Annu Rev Plant Biol 62: 53-77
- Bräutigam A, Mullick T, Schliesky S, Weber APM (2011) Critical assessment of assembly strategies for non-model species mRNA-Seq data and application of next-generation sequencing to the comparison of C3 and C4 species. J Exp Bot 62(9): 3093-3102
- Bräutigam A, Weber APM (2011) Do transport process limit photosynthesis? Plant Physiol 155(1): 43-48
- Kinoshita H, Nagasaki J, Yoshikawa N, Yamamoto A, Takito S, Kawasaki M, Sugiyama T, Miyake H, Weber APM, Taniguchi M (2011) The chloroplastic 2-oxoglutarate/malate transporter has dual function as the malate valve and in carbon/nitrogen metabolism. Plant J 65(1): 15-26. (Recommended by Faculty of 1000)
- Bräutigam A, Kajala K, Wullenweber J, Sommer M, Gagneul D, Weber KL, Carr KM, Gowik U, Maß J, Lercher MJ, Westhoff P, Hibberd JM, Weber APM (2011) An mRNA blueprint for C4 photosynthesis derived from comparative transcriptomics of closely related C3 and C4 species. Plant Physiol 155(1): 142-156
- Minoda A, Weber AP, Tanaka K, Miyagishima SY (2010) Nucleus-independent control of the Rubisco operon by the plastid-encoded transcription factor Ycf30 in the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Plant Physiol 154(3): 1532-1540.
- Weber APM, Osteryoung KW (2010) From endosymbiosis to synthetic photosynthetic life. Plant Physiol 154: 593-597.
- Colleoni C, Linka M, Deschamps P, Handford MG, Dupree P, Weber APM, Ball SG (2010) Phylogenetic and biochemical evidence supports the recruitment of an ADP-glucose translocator for the export of photosynthate during plastid endosymbiosis. Mol Biol Evol 27(12): 2691-2701.
- Thagaraj B, Ryan CM, Souda P, Krause K, Faull KF, Weber APM, Fromme P, Whitelegge JP (2010) Data-directed top-down Fourier-transform mass spectrometry of a large integral membrane protein complex, Photosystem II from Galdieria sulphuraria. Proteomics 10(20): 3644-3656.
- Imamura S, Terashita M, Ohnuma M, Maruyama S, Minoda A, Weber APM, Inouye T, Sekine Y, Fujita Y, Omata T, Tanaka K (2010) Nitrate Assimilatory Genes and Their Transcriptional Regulation in a Unicellular Red Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae: Genetic Evidence for Nitrite Reduction by a Sulfite Reductase-like Enzyme. Plant Cell Physiol 51(5): 707-717.
- Weber APM, von Caemmerer S (2010) Plastid transport and metabolism of C3 and C4 plants - comparative analysis and possible biotechnological exploitation. Curr Opin Plant Biol 13: 257-265.
- Lim L, Linka M, Weber APM, McFadden GI (2010) The carbon and energy sources of the non-photosynthetic plastid in the malaria parasite. FEBS Lett 584(3): 549-554.
- Linka N, Weber APM (2010). Intracellular metabolite transporters in plants. Mol Plant 3(1): 21-53.
- Reyes F, Leon G, Donoso M, Brandizzi F, Weber APM, Orellana A (2010) The nucleotide sugar transporters AtUTr1 and AtUTr3 are required for the incorporation of UDP-glucose into the endoplasmic reticulum and are essential for pollen development and needed for embryo sac progress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J 61(3): 423-435.
- Benz JP, Stengel A, Lintala M, Lee Y-H, Weber APM, Philippar K, Gugel IL, Kaieda S, Ikegami T, Mulo P, Soll J, Bolter B (2009) Tic62 and FNR form light-regulated complexes that are integrated into the chloroplast redox poise. Plant Cell 21(12): 3965-3983.
- Bräutigam A, Weber APM (2009). Proteomic Analysis of the Proplastid Envelope Membrane Provides Novel Insights into Small Molecule and Protein Transport across Proplastid Membranes. Mol Plant 2(6): 1247-1261.
- Reumann S, Quan S, Aung K, Yang P, Manandhar-Shrestha K, Holbrook D, Linka N, Switzenberg R, Wilkerson CG, Weber APM, Olsen LJ, Hu J (2009). In-depth proteome analysis of Arabidopsis leaf peroxisomes combined with in vivo subcellular targeting verification indicates novel metabolic and regulatory functions of peroxisomes. Plant Physiol 150(1):125-143.
- Jamai A, Salomé PA, Schilling SH, Weber APM, McClung CR (2009) Arabidopsis Photorespiratory Serine Hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) Activity Requires The Mitochondrial Accumulation Of Ferredoxin-Dependent Glutamate Synthase (Fd-GOGAT). Plant Cell 21(2):125-143.
- Vanselow C, Krause K, Weber APM, Fromme P (2009) Genetic Analysis of the Photosystem I Subunits from the red alga, Galdieria sulphuraria. Biochim Biophys Acta 1787(1):46-59.
- McCoy JG, Bailey LJ, Ng YH, Bingman CA, Wrobel R, Weber APM, Fox B, Phillips GN Jr (2009) Discovery of Sarcosine Dimethylglycine Methyltransferase from Galdieria sulphuraria. Proteins 74(2):368-77.
- Linka N, Theodoulou FL, Haslam RP, Napier JA, Neuhaus HE, Weber APM (2008) Peroxisomal ATP import is essential for seedling development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 20(12): 3241-3257. (Recommended by Faculty of 1000)
- Linka M, Jamai A, Weber APM (2008) Functional characterization of the plastidic phosphate translocator gene family from the thermo-acidophilic red alga Galdieria sulphuraria reveals specific adaptations of primary carbon partitioning in green plants and red algae. Plant Physiol 148: 1487-1496.
- Bräutigam A, Shrestha RP, Whitten D, Wilkerson CG, Carr KM, Froehlich JE, Weber APM (2008) Low-coverage massively parallel pyrosequencing of cDNAs enables proteomics in non-model species: Comparison of a species-specific database generated by pyrosequencing with databases from related species for proteome analysis of pea chloroplast envelopes. J Biotechnol 138: 44-53.
- Bräutigam A, Hoffmann-Benning S, Weber APM (2008) Comparative proteomics of chloroplasts envelopes from C3 and C4 plants reveals specific adaptations of the plastid envelope to C4 photosynthesis and candidate proteins required for maintaining C4 metabolite fluxes. Plant Physiol 148: 568-579.
- Lu Y, Savage LJ, Ajjawi I, Imre KM, Yoder DW, Benning C, Dellapenna D, Ohlrogge JB, Osteryoung KW, Weber AP, Wilkerson CG, Last RL (2008) New Connections Across Pathways and Cellular Processes: Industrialized Mutant Screening Reveals Novel Associations between Diverse Phenotypes in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 146: 1482-1500.
- Oesterhelt, C., Vogelbein, S., Shrestha, R.P., Stanke, M., Weber, A.P.M. (2008) The genome of the thermoacidophilic red microalga Galdieria sulphuraria encodes a small family of secreted class III peroxidases that might be involved in cell wall modification. Planta 227: 353-362.